
One of the Appalachian Trail’s Most Iconic Views Is Now Protected Forever

Imagine standing on the edge of McAfee Knob, gazing out at a breathtaking vista of forested ridges and valleys that stretch for miles. This iconic view, considered one of the most famous on the Appalachian Trail, has now been protected forever. Thanks to a partnership between the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and The Conservation Fund, 850 acres of land below the knob have been acquired, securing the preservation of this cherished view. The land will not only serve to maintain the beauty of the trail, but it will also support wildlife restoration efforts. With thousands of hikers flocking to this spot each year, the conservation of McAfee Knob is an important step towards ensuring its ongoing beauty and accessibility.

One of the Appalachian Trail’s Most Iconic Views Is Now Protected Forever

One of the Appalachian Trail’s Most Iconic Views Is Now Protected Forever

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Virginia’s McAfee Knob

McAfee Knob, located in Virginia, is widely regarded as one of the most famous views along the Appalachian Trail. Hikers from all over the world visit this spot to take in the breathtaking panorama of forested ridges and valleys. The popularity of McAfee Knob led to concerns about its preservation and the impact of increased foot traffic on the surrounding environment. Fortunately, a recent acquisition by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) and The Conservation Fund has secured the protection of this iconic view for future generations.

The Acquisition of McAfee Vista Preserve

In a press release, the ATC announced the successful completion of a deal to acquire 850 acres of land beneath McAfee Knob, which will now be known as the McAfee Vista Preserve. This purchase involved collaboration between the ATC, The Conservation Fund, and six different landowners. The primary goal of this acquisition was to preserve the view from the trail and contribute to wildlife restoration efforts.

Preserving Wildlife and Land Ethics

The protection of McAfee Knob goes beyond preserving its scenic beauty. The ATC and The Conservation Fund recognize the importance of maintaining the ecological balance and promoting land ethics. The conservation of the McAfee Vista Preserve will support ongoing wildlife restoration efforts and ensure that the hiker experience along the Appalachian Trail remains connected to the natural environment.

The Popularity and Challenges of McAfee Knob

McAfee Knob’s popularity cannot be overstated. It attracts an estimated 50,000 visitors every year, ranging from thru-hikers to day-trippers. The spot’s iconic status is exemplified by its appearance in a Google Doodle and its inclusion as one of the Virginia Triple Crown landmarks. However, such exceptional popularity also brings challenges that need to be addressed.

One of the Appalachian Trail’s Most Iconic Views Is Now Protected Forever

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Conserving Views from McAfee and Nearby Viewpoints

The acquisition of the McAfee Vista Preserve is part of a series of efforts by the ATC to protect the views from McAfee Knob and other nearby viewpoints. Over the past four years, the ATC, in collaboration with The Conservation Fund and the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club, has acquired approximately 1,300 acres of land from ten different landowners. This comprehensive approach ensures the preservation of the stunning vistas that define the Appalachian Trail experience in this region.

Controversy Surrounding the Purchase

The acquisition of the McAfee Vista Preserve has not been without controversy. The funding for this purchase partly came from the company behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). The MVP project, a 300-mile undertaking crossing the Appalachian Trail, faced legal challenges from organizations such as the Sierra Club. Although the ATC initially opposed the MVP, a voluntary stewardship agreement was reached in 2020, which included a substantial financial contribution of $19.5 million towards the ATC’s conservation efforts.

One of the Appalachian Trail’s Most Iconic Views Is Now Protected Forever

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The Voluntary Stewardship Agreement

The voluntary stewardship agreement entered into by the ATC and the developers of the Mountain Valley Pipeline was a strategic decision made in light of the court’s ruling that construction of the pipeline would proceed despite concerns raised by the ATC. The agreement’s exact details have not been released to the public, as the ATC and the pipeline developers agreed to keep them confidential. This controversial decision aimed to secure the best possible outcome in a situation where the pipeline’s construction would inevitably impact the Appalachian Trail.

Funding the Purchase

In addition to the financial contribution from the Mountain Valley Pipeline developers, the purchase of the McAfee Vista Preserve was made possible through funding from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation’s Forest CORE Fund and generous donations from members of the ATC and the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club. This collaborative effort highlights the commitment of individuals and organizations to safeguarding the natural wonders of the Appalachian Trail.


The acquisition and protection of the McAfee Vista Preserve represent a significant milestone in preserving one of the Appalachian Trail’s most treasured and iconic views. The dedication of the ATC, The Conservation Fund, and other stakeholders has ensured that future generations will continue to enjoy the awe-inspiring beauty of McAfee Knob. Through thoughtful land stewardship, wildlife restoration efforts, and strategic collaborations, the Appalachian Trail’s natural wonders can be protected and cherished for years to come.


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